Christopher Spiewak on Life

Thoughts on life, love, loss, inspiration and following your heart.

About Christopher Spiewak

Christopher Spiewak Photo, Boulder Colorado. WordPress Blog About Profile.
Christopher Spiewak, Boulder Colorado

Hello world, I’m Christopher :)

I’m a design focused, adventure loving, business educated, entrepreneur with a passion for architecture and life!

I’m infinitely inspired by all the creative possibility in the world but it’s the innovative work that shapes (and amplifies) so much of the human experience, that moves me the most! Think… architecture, sculpture, buildings, furniture, art, texture, material, light, sound and music.

I love to (and aim to) surround myself with inspired, passionate, authentic, thoughtful, lit up creative souls striving to live their lives to the fullest! Especially those kindhearted dreamers passionately in pursuit of something greater than themselves.

I’m deeply grateful for the little things in life… kindness, laughter, friends, family, blue skies, a cup of tea, but I’m equally thankful for the bigger (and often the most difficult) experiences that have shaped my life for the better.

I joined WordPress to share some of my more personal thoughts and experiences with the world. For the more pragmatic elements of who I am, please visit my other business and social sites around the web.

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